I have been using ChatGPT very frequently like all of you out there. If you have not started using it, may be you should start understanding how it works are get amazed by what it can do for you! ChatGPT helps me reduce time required for doing tasks sooo soooo much, I don’t want to even mention it here. Let’s see how AI has been helping me.

ChatGPT for Product Managers

You just need to know what to Ask from ChatGPT!

This is a tool and it is not gonna work and be productive all by itself so someone gotta use it and use it right way to extract value from it. You need to understand what you should ask ChatGPT to get the best useful information from it. By practicing ChatGPT you will come to know about how to use different prompts to get best out of ChatGPT. I have been using it quite a lot and I am able to ask ChatGPT right questions to accelerate my work.

I use the basis problem solving structure when I am using ChatGPT for any work related problems. It is just like how I would question myself when I am doing my work to go deeper and deeper until I have reached to a comfortable depth of information. Start from the broader question and dig deeper in every aspect you have thought of.

Use ChatGPT to research and do competitor analysis. It can help you identify what is available in the market and what are the features which are there in the market. You can ask for differences and similarities to help make a feature map.

Use ChatGPT to do brainstorming about any topic. How can your app help a particular user segment, or how you can benefit from integration with some other apps/ business etc

Use ChatGPT to come up with Product requirement documents, in details and in short forms :). It gives you 60-70% correct content which you might want to keep in your PRDs and saves a lot of time which is required in choosing a perfect format. ChatGPT gives you a very nice and simple PRD format to work with. You can ask ChatGPT to add more details in every part of the PRD if you want

As ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for functional requirements and non functional requirements. ChatGPT can help you in narrowing down the non functional requirements like latency, load balancing, response time, concurrent users, reliability etc

Ask ChatGPT to come up with more relevant metrics to measure your product performance. It helps you understand each metric clearly if you ask it to explain it in more details.

As a product manager you should know the engineering aspect of your product. The tech stack which is being used should be understood by the product manager. ChatGPT can explain the tech stack to you very clearly and can tell you what all components are doing what in your product and also you can understand what you can do to improve the performance of your product by updating the tech stack.

Last in this blog is Writing User Stories with ChatGPT. Just ask ChatGPT to write it and give the user persona, use case, edge case and it will give properly written story in 5 seconds.

Here are some example prompts for ChatGPT, those I used to extract info for a Chat App.

While this is not the end of the things which can be accomplished with the help of ChatGPT, this is just the starting point. Start with the prompts and gradually you will know what to ask for and make your life easy. If you want to add more things which you do with ChatGPT which you are doing product management, mention in the comments.

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