Formula1 is the most technologically advanced sport in the world, it has pioneered many automobile technology which is not making the road cars better, more efficient, safer and fun to drive. The craze of formula1 is increasing even season and FIA is working hard to gain more and more formula1 fans across the world. One of the growth levers has been Netflix series Drive to survive which have ignited the growth engines and is going full throttle.

Formula1 tv broadcast

Fans can enjoy formula1 by going to the Race week physically or they can watch it online form Apps and TV broadcasters. Here we will be talking about the F1 TV app, which brings formula1 to the user on the go in realtime.

The F1 TV app operates on a freemium model, offering a blend of free and premium content. Users can access historical and static information for free, but for a deeper dive into the thrilling world of Formula 1, including live race streaming, a subscription fee is required. This subscription not only allows users to watch races online and enjoy full access to the archives of past races but also enhances the viewing experience with telemetry data. This feature provides a unique, immersive experience by allowing fans to follow the real-time performance of all 20 drivers simultaneously, bringing the excitement of the race to a whole new level.

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